Learn From Us

Cacophony - it's one of my favorite words. It means, "a harsh, discordant mixture of sounds." Isn't it such a visual word? John Rosemond uses cacophony to describe modern parenting. I couldn't agree more. 
Pax - another favorite word. It is Latin, meaning, "peace, serenity, quietness" I believe this is what parenting should be: a practical & intuitive process that creates unity in your home. 

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What is Parent Coaching?

Modern parenting is a whirlwind of conflicting information, confusing advice, and chaotic schedules.  Parent coaching helps parents cut through the noise and find practical, common-sense approaches that bring peace and unity back to your family.  

Take 100% responsibility for yourself and your choices.

Information shared on this site by Pax Parenting Solutions is not specific advice for yourself or your family. Always use your own judgment and get professional support and advice to find the right, legal, and healthy strategies for your particular situation.